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Hugo Boss

pióro kulkowe Stream Gun


The Stream ballpen is a sleek and modern writing instrument designed to provide a balanced writing experience. It features a new silhouette that combines simplicity and modernity. The pen is adorned with an engraved pattern that is plated in a luxurious matte gunmetal finish, providing an elevated haptic sensation. The black and white logo ring adds a touch of playful graphical element to the design.

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Opakowanie: HBS220
Waga z opakowaniem: 186 g
Waga bez opakowania 35 g
Strona katalogowa: 25
Całkowita waga 10.32 kg
Wymiary paczki (dł. x sz. x wys.): 300 x 400 x 500
Objętość: 0.06 m³
Szt. na paczkę: 50
Weight ( g ): 35
Dimension: Dia. 13 / h. 145 mm
Color: Dark Green
Base material: Brass,Gun plating
Cap material: Brass
Cap finishing material: Gun plating
Silver under coating on the cap: No
Barrel material: Brass
Barrel finishing material: Gun plating
Silver under coating on the barrel: No
Ink color: Blue
Cartridge reference: International fountain pen
Finishing material: Brass,Gun plating
Stylus for touchscreen: No
CN8 Intrastat: 9608 1092
Barcode EAN13: 5420056179195
Code UPC: 840918179197
Country of origin: Taiwan
Composition: 90% Brass
Contents: HSW3784D

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